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Features of injuries of the spinal column and spinal cord in children of different age groups as a result of a traffic accident when using seat belts and child restraints

Maksumov Alexander Alisherovich  (Researcher, neurosurgeon, Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, DZM)

Iskhakov Olimjan Sadykovich  (MD, Chisf Researcher, Neurosurgeon, Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, DZM)

Meshcheryakov Semyon Vladimirovich  (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Researcher, Neurosurgeon, Head of the Neurosurgical Department, State Budgetary Institution of Health Research Institute «Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology» DZM)

The purpose of the work is to analyze the damage in the car interior of children of different age groups as a result of an accident. The aim of the work is to analyze injuries of the spine and spinal cord in children of different age groups as a result of an accident in the car. The study was conducted on the basis of the fact that accurate primary examinations of victims arriving after an accident were carried out at the Research Institute of emergency pediatric surgery and dermatology in Moscow. As a result, the first statistical data were obtained regarding the form in which the percentage spread occurs between which part of the spinal column is most likely to suffer and which is less susceptible to injury. Here, the assessment was made in relation to a group of vertebrae that experienced one or another type of injury, ranging from the appearance of cracks and fractures, ending with compression of the spinal cord. Separately, a group of children aged 0 to 18 was identified who received injuries incompatible with life. And also a correspondence was made between the injuries received and the methods of fixation that the children were fixed in road transport in the event of an unforeseen situation with a further accident. After the statistical data of an objective analysis were obtained, based on a full examination of children of different groups, those measures were justified that can minimize the receipt of certain injuries during the occurrence of an accident. At the same time, traumatism during emergency situation is brought into full compliance with the means that can be used to reduce the occurrence of problems with different parts of the spine in children in the age group from 0 to 18 and years. 

Keywords:trauma, children, age, spine, fracture, spinal, cord, traumatology, safety, cervical, patient, diagnostic, thoracic.


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Citation link:
Maksumov A. A., Iskhakov O. S., Meshcheryakov S. V. Features of injuries of the spinal column and spinal cord in children of different age groups as a result of a traffic accident when using seat belts and child restraints // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№10/2. -С. 159-164 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.10-2.17
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