Seliutin Dmitry Ivanovich (expert Unified conformity assessment system at work sites where the equipment operating under pressure)
Vygrivach Aleksei Nikolayevich (expert uniform evaluation system at the production facilities where the equipment operating under pressure)
Preboilet treatment of water for water and steam boilers is an important key to their safe and continuous operation. Controlling of the corrosion and scum deposition on the heat exchange element of power equipment is realized through a wide range of processes, which can significantly prolong the working period of the equipment, increase efficiency, reduce capital costs, etc. In this paper, the basic aspects of industrial safety in terms of preboiler water treatment was treated. General aspects of organizing the process of preboiler water treatment for steam and water boilers were formulated. It should be noted that the requirements for the implementation of water treatment processes for preboiler treatment are rather mild in content and did not accurately reflect the legal and technical documentation. It is assumed that the development of new modern requirements for the organization of preboiler water treatment, which will reflect the modern features of the equipment of thermal power processes.
Keywords:industrial safety, preboiler treatment, facilities.
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Citation link: Seliutin D. I., Vygrivach A. N. Modern installation to boiler water treatment - one of the factors of safe and continuous operation of steam and hot water boilers // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№03-04. -С. 43-45 |