Kulchitsky Stanislav V. (expert of the Uniform system of conformity assessment in the coal industry)
Tretiak Dmitry V. (expert of the Uniform system of conformity assessment of the coal industry)
Galiev Marat G. (expert expert of the Uniform system of conformity assessment of the coal industry)
Danilov Alexander G. (expert of the Uniform system of conformity assessment of the coal industry)
Grachev Eduard A. (expert of the Uniform system of conformity assessment of the coal industry)
Monitoring of buildings and structures of hazardous production facilities is a very important task to ensure industrial safety. The operation of buildings and structures on hazardous production facilities will inevitably occur wear as close to the ultimate normative operation. Monitoring of the technical state of industrial buildings and structures implemented as a system of control and surveillance of the change in the state of load-bearing structures, and also to identify the need for inspection of the technical state. In this paper, the basic aspects of condition monitoring of industrial buildings and constructions of expired operation were treated. The main regulations governing the monitoring of buildings and structures were presented. It is worth noting that despite a lot of regulatory framework in this area there are practically no regulations governing the monitoring of buildings and structures of hazardous production facilities with expired operation.
Keywords:monitoring, buildings and constructions, industrial safety.
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Citation link: Kulchitsky S. V., Tretiak D. V., Galiev M. G., Danilov A. G., Grachev E. A. Monitoring of the technical state of industrial buildings and constructions of expired operation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№09-10. -С. 37-38 |