Nigay Alexander Trofimovich (director of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Noskov Sergey Yurievich (deputy director for examination of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Gorbatov Igor Nikolaevich (expert of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Gerasimov Valery Alexandrovich (expert of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Zarva Andrey Alexandrovich (expert of Center of scientific-engineering and industrial work on the technical safety of hazardous production facilities “Tehbezopasnost” ltd., Ukhta)
Oil and gas industry is one of the leaders of the biggest exposure to corrosive environments on equipment and piping. Non-destructive testing - is an indispensable tool for determining the number of internal and surface defects, which is widely used in the technical diagnostics and expertise of industrial safety. Non-destructive testing is an effective element of technical diagnostics because it allows to obtain information about defects and damages of the equipment without destroying the material. This article is dedicated to non-destructive testing in the oil and gas industry. The basic methods of non-destructive testing used in the oil and gas industry were presented. Thus, the non-destructive testing is an effective tool for ensuring the safe operation of equipment in the oil and gas industry. The development of new types of non-destructive testing will significantly increase the level of industrial safety in the industrial sector.
Keywords:non-destructive testing, oil and gas industry, safety.
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Citation link: Nigay A. T., Noskov S. Y., Gorbatov I. N., Gerasimov V. A., Zarva A. A. The role of non-destructive testing to ensure the safe operation of the oil and gas industry equipment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2015. -№11. -С. 62-63 |