Belimgotov Boris Husenovich ( prof., Kabardino - Balkaria State University)
Benia Christina Ruslanovna (graduate student, Kabardino - Balkaria State University)
In this work presented the comparative analysis of a pathogenetic role of brain compression of intracranial hematomas of various etiology in formation of traumatic subdural hydroma. For this purpose created two groups of 10 patients with brain compression intracranial traumatic and nontraumatic hematomas. For the comparative analysis the main role was assigned to CT-visualization of a compression-dislocation syndrome. Group of patients with intracranial traumatic hematomas as control has been opposed to group with nontraumatic hematomas at which the craniocerebral trauma, a traumatic rupture of arachnoidea is obviously excluded, therefore and the valvate theory of formation so-called traumatic subdural hydromas, that is, there is no any point from allegedly indispensable conditions in intracranial space without wich, formation the subdural hydroma is considered impossible.
Keywords:brain compression, traumatic subdural hydroma, traumatic intracranial hematoma, nontraumatic intracranial hematoma, compression-dislocation syndrome, gradient factor of brain compression.
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Citation link: Belimgotov B. H., Benia C. R. Pathogenetic mechanisms of formation traumatic subdural hydroma // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№05. -С. 56-59 |