Bliznyuk Vladimir (National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", assistant professor, PhD, assistant professor)
Berezovskaya Natalia (National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", postgraduate)
Parshin Vasiliy (National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", student)
Tarasov Alexander (National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Senior Lecturer)
There is an algorithm for determining the generation mode to the fundamental mode by comparing the measured and calculated values of the function that describes the radiation pattern, for three values of the argument of simple relations with the values of the Gaussian curve inflection points. It has been shown that these ratios are completely determined by the divergence angle of the radiation.
Keywords:laser diode, fundamental mode, directional radiation pattern, the near-field zone, the far-field zone.
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Citation link: Bliznyuk V. , Berezovskaya N. , Parshin V. , Tarasov A. Quantitative analysis of the radiation of the laser diode at fundamental mode // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№07. -С. 45-50 |