Sokol’sky Vitaly (LTD. "Systems, Technologies and Services" (Astrakhan))
Petrova Irina (Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)
Kitiashvili Irakly (Astrakhan State Medical University)
In this article the integrated set of measured values and computational informative parameters for the mobile diagnostic devices used for monitoring and diagnostics of cardiovascular system of the person is brought. Methods of definition of current values of controllable parameters are examined, their merits and demerits are revealed. For most effective estimation of a condition of cardiovascular system of the person (definition of parameters of central and peripheral hemodynamics, control parameters of transport of oxygen) it is necessary to use the complex method including volumetric compression oscillometry, electrocardiography, blood pressure measurement by pulse wave together with a method of an estimation of requirement of an organism of the patient in oxygen. Modular scheme of the mobile diagnostic device were presented. The scheme includes the set of modules which defined a balance between degree of importance of controllable parameters and complexity in its realization. All modules have built-in batteries, equipped with non-contact charging system that supports wireless communication channel, and boxed in waterproof, ergonomic case. Results of testing of separate blocks of mobile diagnostic device were described in the article.
Keywords:mobile diagnostic device (MDD), cardiovascular system (CVS), hemodynamic parameters, cardiac index, oxygen delivery index.
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Citation link: Sokol’sky V. , Petrova I. , Kitiashvili I. Mobile device for diagnostics of human cardiovascular system // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№08. -С. 46-51 |