Shapovalova Anna Alekseevna (Balashov institute (branch) of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Saratov state university named after N.G. Chernyshevsky”, Balashov, Saratov region)
In 2014-2016 six coenopopulations of the rare and protected in Saratov region species of Pulsatílla pátens (L.) Mill. were studied. During the time of the research 165 temporary sample areas with a size of 1m2 were made. In 2014 145 and in 2016 188 individuals of P. pátens were taken into account. The paper gives biometrical indications of P. pátens characteristic of Balashov district of Saratov region. Ontogenetic spectra of P. Pátens are made and the dynamics of the age structure of the coenopopulations is described. In age spectra of most coenopopulations of P. pátens middle-aged generative individuals are dominating, i.e. the ontogenetic spectrum characteristic of this species is being formed. However, the collective share of the pregenerative individuals of P. patens in coenopopulations has decreased by more than 10% during the time of the research. The small amount of the individuals of the pregenerative age period is evidence of a vulnerable position of the species in the communities under study. The age index in coenopopulations is changed from 0,20 to 0,54, and the effectiveness index – from 0,51 to 0,97. According to the “delta-omega” classification all the coenopopulations of 2016 are mature.
Keywords:coenopopulations, age spectrum, Pulsatílla pátens, age index, effectiveness index.
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Citation link: Shapovalova A. A. The state of coenopopulations of Pulsathlla pбtens (L.) Mill. in Balashov district of Saratov region // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2016. -№11. -С. 6-11 |