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Functional disorders of the muscular-joint complex in the persons, with high speech and psychoemotional load

Yatsuk Andrey Viktorovich  (The candidate of medical Sciences Chief physician, oral surgeon Novo dent on the base Novokuznetsk state medical refresher Institute – branch of Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education "Russian medical Academy of continuous education" (NGIUV – branch FGBOU DPO RMAPO Ministry of health of Russia) )

Sivolapov Konstantin Anatolyevich  (Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Novokuznetsk state medical refresher Institute – branch of Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education "Russian medical Academy of continuous education" (NGIUV – branch FGBOU DPO RMAPO Ministry of health of Russia))

The prevalence of diseases and pathological conditions of the musculo-articular complex in persons with high speech and psychoemotional load is related to the peculiarities of labor activity.

Keywords:diseases of the temporomandibular joint, musculo-articular complex, speech and psychoemotional load, pathological conditions, arthritis, arthrosis deforming and sclerosing, musculo-articular dysfunction.


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Citation link:
Yatsuk A. V., Sivolapov K. A. Functional disorders of the muscular-joint complex in the persons, with high speech and psychoemotional load // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№03-04. -С. 109-112
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