Аlguliev R. M. (Institute of Information Technologies under the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan)
Imamverdiyev Y. N. (Institute of Information Technologies under the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan)
Nabiyev B. R. (Institute of Information Technologies under the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan)
There are some tools for securing computer networks and optimizing processes. Considering this, to determine the behavior profile of traffic on the network, a special tool has been developed. To determine the behavior profile, the K-means clustering method was applied. The reason for choosing the K-means algorithm is that this method is very fast and simple for solving the clustering problem.
As a result of the application of the clustering model, certain clusters were formed. Clusters, in the main, form social networks, video resources and scientific and practical resources. The result is obtained for 20 clusters using the bigml.com resource. Most of all, the cluster under consideration consists of scientific and practical resources. The 2nd cluster in turn, these are social networks. The third cluster consists of calls to video resources. Appeal to other clusters is much less.
Keywords:network traffic, clustering, behavior profile, abnormal traffic, communication channels, centroids, video resources.
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Citation link: Аlguliev R. M., Imamverdiyev Y. N., Nabiyev B. R. About The Method Of Creating A Profile For Web Users // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№12. -С. 42-47 |