Stetsenko Bogdan G. (head of the branch №2 FGKU 1586 VCG, candidate of medical science, colonel of medical service)
Risman Boris V. (associate Professor of General surgery MMA im. S. M. Kirov - doctor of medical Sciences, Colonel of medical service)
Ivanov Georgy G. (senior resident of the surgical Department of the branch №2 FGKU 1586 VCG, the applicant the degree of candidate of medical Sciences, Department of General surgery MMA im. S. M. Kirov, captain of medical service)
Eliseeva Natalya A. (head of post-mortem lab MMA im. S. M. Kirov, candidate of medical sciences)
Sirjakov Mikhail V. (head of the surgical department of the branch №2 FGKU 1586 VCG, major of medical service)
Mustakimov Diane N. (student of MMA to them. S. M. Kirov)
the use of modern complex methods of studying of wound healing in patients with purulent-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome allowed us to justify the use of modern wound covering depending on the phase of wound process and to offer an algorithm of assessment of any wound process.
Keywords:purulent wound, assessment of the course of wound healing, purulent-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome, diabetes, wound cover, planimetric measurements, smears-prints, transcutaneous oxygen tension, transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension, chromatography-mass-spectrometry of microbial markers, pH-metry.
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Citation link: Stetsenko B. G., Risman B. V., Ivanov G. G., Eliseeva N. A., Sirjakov M. V., Mustakimov D. N. The algorithm of estimation and algorithm of local treatment purulent-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№12. -С. 124-129 |