Gamov Vladislav Yurievich (candidate of military science, Joint-stock company « Research-and-development and pilot-and-experimental center of intellectual technologies «Petrokometa» PLC. Rostec Corporation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
The model of calculation of the indicator of successful achievement of the goal by organizational structures of enterprises and organizations is considered. The basic approaches to solving the problems of modeling the processes of creating and optimizing such structures are described. Modeling is carried out using methods developed by the author and used in operating organizations, based on computer modeling using factor analysis.
Keywords:Modeling, simulation model, optimization, organizational structure, full-time position, technological schedule, quality index, algorithmic description.
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Citation link: Gamov V. Y. Model for calculating the indicator of successful achievement of the goal // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№02. -С. 25-28 |