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The organization of purposeful active search on the basis of assessment of syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations of text messages

Akimov D. A.  (Ph.D., MSTU MIREA (Moscow))

Dyatchenkova A. Y.  (graduate student, MSTU MIREA (Moscow))

Sachkov V. E.  (graduate student, MSTU MIREA (Moscow))

The work deals with methods and technologies used to actively search for information and analyze text messages in a natural language, taking into account the specifics of Internet communications for conscious dialogue and the means of presenting information in the profile of social networks for implementing a model for collecting target information using associative dictionaries

Keywords:active search, context analysis, text messages, associative thesaurus, syntagmatic associations, paradigmatic associations, associative dictionaries, semantic core


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Citation link:
Akimov D. A., Dyatchenkova A. Y., Sachkov V. E. The organization of purposeful active search on the basis of assessment of syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations of text messages // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№05. -С. 69-75
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