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Peculiarities of formation and realization of the marketing policy of the company in a market economy

Fadeev Vladislav A.  (Russian State Trade and Economic University, Moscow)

This article describes the features of the formation and implementation of the marketing policy of the company in a market economy. According to a study concluded that the analysis of methodological aspects of the development and implementation of marketing strategy is of paramount importance for improving the marketing and management, to enhance competitiveness. In the formation of a marketing policy of the organization should keep in mind that the nature of consumer behavior may in fact be a manifestation of a habit or indifference in response to lower price or selling goods in the absence of other brands.

Keywords:marketing strategy, market segmentation, the potential market segment, target market, customer segments, target customers


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Citation link:
Fadeev V. A. Peculiarities of formation and realization of the marketing policy of the company in a market economy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2012. -№01. -С. 43-46
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