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Venture Financing

Kalashnikova Ekaterina Nikolaevna  (Accountant LLC "ABC accounting", Ylianovsk city )

Venture capital investments - investments, usually in the form of share capital, in the fast-growing high-tech enterprises. This kind of investment is typical for commercialization of results of scientific research in science-intensive and high-tech areas where the prospects of high-tech enterprises are not guaranteed and there is a significant amount of risk for the investor. Proceeding from the above venture financing is a long - term (5-7 years) high-risk investments of private capital in the share capital of newly created small high-tech growth companies that are focused on development and production of science-intensive products, their development and expansion, with the purpose to gain profit from an increase in value of the investment. The purpose of the venture capital investors receive a high return on investment that they mostly come back in the form of a premium on investment when selling shares after several years of successful development of the company, for example, business partners, or large companies in the same industry, or on the open market of the Central Bank.

Keywords:venture financing; venture Bank; innovation; innovation; business angels; state-chasnoe partnership; venture capital; venture capital financing.


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Citation link:
Kalashnikova E. N. Venture Financing // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2014. -№05-06. -С. 58-64
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