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Bysiness-groups: classification criteria

Vorobyeva M. A.  (Moscow State University of International Relations of the Foreign Office of Russia)

The goal of the paper is to define possible classification criteria for business-groups. It is shown that diversification of business-groups does not allow to define unique classification criteria. Nevertheless we can find a number of different criteria which enable us to create a comprehensive classification of business-groups on the basis of their managerial, structural, legal, financial and socio-economic distinctive features. Therefore, they may be characterized by their integration structure, by the rate of diversification, by the ownership, by the rate of their involvement into the financial sector, by the interaction with the state. As well, as by the organization and control mechanisms. It is shown that according to their structure business-groups may be divided to the pyramidal (hierarchical) ones, and the horizontal ones. According to the financial involvement business-groups may be divided into ones, established in tight connection with a bank (as the industrial-financial groups), and the ones, using alternative financial sources. According to the interaction with the state we may mark the groups which get or get not preferences from the state. The criteria outlined in the paper enable us to have a system view on the variety of the business-groups and to construct their unified classification.

Keywords:business-group, classification, diversification, pyramidal business-groups, cross-board membership, diversification discount, zaibatsu, chebol, keiretsu, business-houses, financial and industrial groups.


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Citation link:
Vorobyeva M. A. Bysiness-groups: classification criteria // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№02. -С. 4-8
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