Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Transformation of Financial Resources of Households into Investments

Geronina M. S.  (Postgraduate, Russian Economic University of G.V. Plekhanov )

Problem of transformation of financial resources of households into investment potential of Russian economy becomes really actual. It has been caused first of all by the fact that the Russian side had lost the main part of investments due to the economic sanctions of Western countries against the Russian Federation from 2014 year. That’s why the inner sources of investments began to play the main role on the investment market and the population of Russia became the main potential player as the source of investments. It is necessary to achieve two principal tasks in order to attract household’s money for the purpose of development of Russian economy: to secure the formation of savings of population and to realize the transformation of the financial resources of households into investments. The main point is to make wider the scale of organized savings of population. The next task – enlargement of the number of operations of households in financial and credit organizations. Savings could be considered as free money resources in three sectors of economy: state, enterprises and households. One of the chief resources of accumulation of money are the savings of population. These resources are the main source of long-term investments and credits. The aim of investments is to achieve income. The form of investment could be different: direct investment into industry, for instance, acquisition of parts of enterprises, its stocks and indirect investment when between the holder of savings and the recipient there are financial middlemen like banks.

Keywords:financial resources, households, savings, investments, investment potential, economy, financial and credit organizations, banks, real sector, financial stream, credit operation, banking service, financial middlemen, investment funds, share, stocks.


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Citation link:
Geronina M. S. Transformation of Financial Resources of Households into Investments // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№05. -С. 104-114
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