Ivanov Igor O. (Senior Lecturer of the Moscow City Government University of Management (MGUU PM, Moscow))
In the article the questions of the specifics of formation of organizational and economic mechanism of capital repairs of apartment buildings in the Russian Federation. Currently, the implementation of programs on major repairs of apartment buildings is performed programmatically, using the experience of the planned economy. In the conditions of formation of private ownership of housing, from the organizational-economic mechanism of capital repairs of residential buildings excluded part of a comprehensive overhaul, involving temporary relocation of unit owners of repaired buildings. Also selective capital repairs of apartment buildings due to the limits of the formed housing legislation requirements to an obligatory list of works, which are not included work in the energy modernization of residential buildings and the installation of devices of the account of consumption of municipal resources. In addition to the selective nature of the produced events, the mechanism of capital repairs of apartment buildings in institutional shortcomings in the system of establishing reserves for major repairs, also does not allow to oblige the owners of common property to use energy saving measures and technologies mandatory.
Set forth in article of the proposal aims to eliminate these drawbacks and further improving the organizational-economic mechanism of capital repairs of apartment buildings.
Keywords:housing and communal services, housing, apartment building, organizational and economic mechanism of capital repairs of apartment buildings, features of capital repairs of common property in an apartment buildings, energy efficiency overhaul in the apartment building, the energy efficiency ratio of capital repairs of apartment buildings.
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Citation link: Ivanov I. O. Formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of capital repairs of apartment buildings with mandatory use of energy saving technologies and materials // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№07. -С. 22-27 |