Filatov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of economic theory and finance, Irkutsk national research technical university)
Yunlong Chen (Postgraduate student, Department of economic theory and finance, Irkutsk national research technical university)
The investment process plays an important role in the economy of any country. Investing largely determines the economic growth of the state employment and is a significant element base, on which to base the economic development of society. Therefore, the problem associated with the efficient implementation of investment deserves serious attention. Economic evaluation of investment is the most important task of economic analysis of investment projects.
In the article the main indicator of investment activity of the enterprises – the author's 10-factor model evaluation of the effectiveness of the invested capital. In the article the author's model of evaluation of the effectiveness of the invested capital examines the author's methods of functional analysis, enabling the most available to draw a conclusion about changes in invested capital profitability, as well as to represent the degree of influence of factors on changes in the studied indicators in the system of management and to identify trends.
Keywords:investments, return on invested capital, factor analysis, revenue, net operating profit.
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Citation link: Filatov E. A., Yunlong C. Integrated analysis of the 10-factor model of assessment of efficiency of invested capital // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№09. -С. 37-42 |