Zobov Alexander M. (Candidate of economic science, head of the chair of marketing,
People friendship university of Russia
Degtereva Ekaterina A. (Candidate of economic science, associate professor at the chair of marketing,
People friendship university of Russia
Chernova Veronika Y. (Assistant lecturer of the Chair of marketing,
People friendship university of Russia
The article describes the possibilities of using linear models in the analysis of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. Special attention is paid to the theoretical and methodological aspects of the linear modeling. There is schematically presented the role and place of the linear modeling in the planning process of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries and integration associations. With the release of specific steps formalized procedure for the development of the linear model of the external economic cooperation between the countries. The emphasis placed on the need for a detailed study of the level of economic development of countries planning to develop trade and investment cooperation.
Keywords:international trade, investment, linear model, BRICS.
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Citation link: Zobov A. M., Degtereva E. A., Chernova V. Y. Prospects for the use of linear models in the analysis of trade and investment cooperation between countries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№11. -С. 105-110 |