Журнал «Современная Наука»

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The possibility of increasing the efficiency of infrastructure management collective investment in high-tech projects

Redin D. V.  (Phd, FGOBU VO "Moscow Polytech University")

Balashov E. A.  (FGOBU VO "Moscow Polytech University")

The article considers the legal and economic aspects of the existing in modern conditions in Russia infrastructure collective investment in high-tech projects. Based on the author of the comparative analysis identified ad-vantages and disadvantages of the existing institutions of the infrastructure of collective investments for individual investors, as well as possible areas of im-provement.

Keywords:Investors, crowd funding, projects, financial intermediaries, financial performance, mutual funds, stock funds, banking trust funds, crowdfunding platforms.


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Citation link:
Redin D. V., Balashov E. A. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of infrastructure management collective investment in high-tech projects // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2016. -№12. -С. 38-42
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