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Rethinking the role of the market in economic history and thought

Popov G.   (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Moscow technological Institute, associate Professor of the Department of economic theory, Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation )

The article is a review of the scientific monograph Schegolevskim V.A. «Hierarchical structure and the market in economic thought of the West New and the Newsiest (historical and economic analysis)». (M., 2017). The author highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of the monograph the discussion about the limited effectiveness of market institutions that is developing now in the West and in Russia. The review focuses on understanding the nature of hierarchical structures, as systems, limiting the market. Is given in General terms, understanding of complex processes in the development of Western economic thought in the perspective of the formation of the concept of market economy and development of this concept in the writings of different Western authors.

Keywords:economic thought of the West, market economy, classical political economy, the doctrine of Adam Smith, market institutes


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Citation link:
Popov G. Rethinking the role of the market in economic history and thought // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№03. -С. 3-5
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