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Subjects of civil relations of debt collection (subjects of the contract of debt collection)

Filonov A.   (Volgograd State University)

debt collection in Russia has been operating two decades, during this time it managed to form a new professional services market, which attracts more attention of scholars, practitioners and lawmakers. There are new scientific articles in which the authors offer the definition of debt collection, approaches to its legal regulation, etc. However, all of the proposed approaches to understanding the nature of the debt collection sidestep civil aspects on which it is based. Timeliness of the topic is reflected in the process of changing of the legal regulation of debt collection and the need to understanding of its nature. The aim of this work is to define the subject structure of legal relations in the implementation of debt collection, their main features and legal status. Methods: were used conjunction formal-logical, structural-functional, systematic and formal-legal and comparative legal methods of scientific knowledge. Results: in the present article were considered the subjects of debt collection through the prism of civil relations. Conclusions: based on the identified characteristics of the subjects of the debt collection the author gives their definition.

Keywords:collection agency, debtor, creditor, debt, collecting, legal relations.


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Citation link:
Filonov A. Subjects of civil relations of debt collection (subjects of the contract of debt collection) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№03. -С. 85-87
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