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Influence of state of the economy of Iraq on increase in capitalization of the companies

Vdovina E.   (Tambov state technical university)

Garbav Mohammed AnverHillavi  (Tambov state technical university)

In article economic development of Iraq is considered. Positive and negative tendencies in the current state of economy of Iraq are revealed. In a camp after long recession positive dynamics of all main economic indicators is observed. GDP of Iraq after a considerable increase since 2011, in 2014 was lost by about 50 billion dollars that was connected with conflicts in the country, a political revolution, reduction of prices of oil, deterioration in an economic country situation and as a result decrease of the attractiveness for foreign investors. However the government of Iraq since the end of 2014 actively conducts work after search of contracts with leading oil companies that can help to increase oil export volume, but for this purpose the country needs to modernize oil extraction process, oil pipelines and export infrastructure. The government of Iraq aims at attraction of additional foreign direct investments, but it is interfered by general corruption, obsolete infrastructure, shortage of a skilled labor force and obsolete trade laws.

Keywords:national economy, GDP, external debt, export, import.


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Citation link:
Vdovina E. , Garbav M. A. Influence of state of the economy of Iraq on increase in capitalization of the companies // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№05. -С. 42-53
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