Журнал «Современная Наука»

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The network as a specific type of coordinating structures in the modern economy

Gusev А. Andreevich  (Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Prof., Ural State University of railway Transport)

Mezentsev Evgeny M.  (Associate Prof., Ural State University of railway Transport)

This article deals with the topical issues of formation and functioning of network structures as a special coordination mechanism, along with the reference structures: market and hierarchy. The specificity of this type of structures, different from both classic types, and hybridization of the men-tioned mechanisms. Presents the author's point of view, the ratio of coordination struc-tures, and shows the evolutionary nature of network formation. The concep-tual hypothesis of the consideration of network structures lies in the funda-mental division into two types: dependent and independent. It is proved that network is, by definition, focal, and achieves a better coordination of eco-nomic agents on the network. Given the possibility of reducing transaction costs in the introduction of network interactions. Conclusions about the ne-cessity of building relations of economic agents within the network on the basis of a relational contract based on trust.

Keywords:network; network structure; managed network structure; neo-institutionalism; coordination mechanism; coordinating structure; transac-tion costs; relational contract


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Citation link:
Gusev А. A., Mezentsev E. M. The network as a specific type of coordinating structures in the modern economy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№10. -С. 19-28
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