Kozhina Veronika Olegovna (PhD Econ., associate professor, The international university in Moscow)
Lebedeva Olga Evgenyevna (PhD Econ., associate professor, Institute of tourism and hospitality (Moscow) (branch) FGBOOU WAUGH "The Russian state university of tourism and service")
The questions of development of market of venture capital in economic are considered. It is established, that presence venture capital demands formation in the country which is necessary for maintenance of cooperation between businessmen, investors and intermediaries acting as sources of venture capital. It is revealed that the interest of foreign investors to the Russian Federation's economy grows and leads to increased activity of foreign venture firms.
Keywords:venture capital, market, economy, businessman, innovations, investments, complex, cooperation, production.
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Citation link: Kozhina V. O., Lebedeva O. E. Development of markets of venture capital in economic // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№11. -С. 43-47 |