Simonova E. (Orel state University of Economics and trade)
Competitiveness is the basis and guarantor of effective development of economic entities and economy as a whole. Currently, the ability to withstand competition is one of the primary tasks of the business. This article discusses the channels of mass communication, which appeared in Russia with the spread of the Internet. PR-technologies in the new media can replace traditional methods of conducting advertising and PR-campaigns that largely can affect the leading position of individual business entities. New channels of public relations without the involvement of intermediaries can be a substitute for traditional methods of conducting advertising and PR-campaigns with the aim of enhancing the firm's competitive advantage. The electronic environment allows to identify new opinion leaders, establish a strong communication relationship and use social networks to establish contacts with the public. In Russia, enterprises of different ownership forms to enhance competitiveness use blogs, online video, social networks, podcasts, and e-mail marketing, a set of such tools is constantly updated with new options of promoting brands.
Keywords:konkurentosposobnosti, advertising, enterprise, PR-technologies, electronic environment.
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Citation link: Simonova E. The electronic environment as a mechanism for increasing the competitiveness // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2017. -№12. -С. 67-71 |