Mukhin K. Yu. (master of management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
The article presents the main results of the author's research of full implementation of the so-called "agile" methods and approaches to project management, considered in the context of an ideological evolution of project management and shifts of paradigm of client-centricity and views on sustainable development, due to the displacement of the point of attention in the post-industrial digital economy. For the designated purposes and objectives of the study the most relevant tools were used. For example, multi-disciplinary concepts such as "Triple helix", "7P", "Triangle constraint", "Sustainable development concept", "the Customer-centric paradigm" and others. On their basis of few designer models with elements of the empirical analysis and the subsequent breaking of the research results into reality innovative projects were constructed.
Keywords:Agile, project management, business-agility, innovations & innovation management, agile project management approaches, sustainable development concept, customer-centric paradigm.
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Citation link: Mukhin K. Y. Agile project management tools as the sustainable development way to a customer-centric organization: approaches & opportunities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№01. -С. 34-43 |