Ivanova Elena Anatolievna (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Don State Tech-nical University)
Kamerova Elvira Atlasovna (Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of the Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the Don State Technical University in Taganrog)
Kobersi Iskandar Suleiman (Ph.D., associate professor of the Polytechnic institute (branch) of the Don State Technical University c. Taganrog)
The urgency of the formation of clusters and their management is due to the general laws of the maturation of the economy at the present stage of Russia's development, is to develop a partnership between the state, economy and sci-ence. The cluster acts as a paradigm, according to which the general production of products, from its development, the initial manufacture and ending with the sale, follows a single chain. In modern market conditions, the functioning and development of the national and regional economy is increasingly conditioned by the laws of global processes that are conditioned both by the formation of new world economic ties and by the definition of the specific status of a single state, region and enterprise in the structure of the world economy. Economic integration is one of the main components of globalization. Any highly orga-nized system objectively strives to strengthen its integrity, since the consolida-tion of relations and relations between the elements forming it loses a specific goal, structuredness and hierarchy that distinguish the system from a simple aggregate of any things or phenomena. The combination of economic entities, the strengthening of their interaction, the development of economic and social ties between them are defined as economic integration (from the Latin integer - "whole, single").
Keywords:cluster, cluster-management, territorial-production cluster (TPK), globalization, innovations, technological park
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Citation link: Ivanova E. A., Kamerova E. A., Kobersi I. S. Cluster-management as a technology for increasing the efficiency of the use of territorial resources in the region // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№03. -С. 33-38 |