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Financial and economic prerequisites for the formation of financial support for retailers

Kuczkowska Natalia Valeryevna  (Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor; Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation)

The main obstacle to the development of domestic trade enterprises is their insufficient financial support. Consequently, trade enterprises should monitor the adequacy of financial resources to ensure development, the adequacy of their own resources and the effectiveness of managing their own finances. The article suggests methodical recommendations for the rapid diagnosis of financial support for the development of trade enterprises, which provide for the determination of the state of financial security of the enterprises under study with simultaneous establishment of the optimal value of the integral indicator, which will allow comparison of the actual values obtained and establish conclusions, a "diagnosis" .

Keywords:finance, management, structures, development, enterprise, support.


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Citation link:
Kuczkowska N. V. Financial and economic prerequisites for the formation of financial support for retailers // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№04. -С. 91-96
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