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Justify the use of the concept of “savings” in the economy to sustainable development assessment on indicators of adjusted net savings

Kamunin N.   (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

The article substantiates the concept of "savings", which is considered in a broad aspect, is the basis of the methodology for assessing the sustainability and economic growth of countries and regions at the macroeconomic level. The author of the article argues that savings can be viewed as changes in the welfare of the subjects to which they relate (at the macro level - in the national wealth). The concept of savings in the economy is an important focus for researchers in the field of economic growth and development.

Keywords:concept of "savings", economic growth, welfare, individual balance, source of investments


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Citation link:
Kamunin N. Justify the use of the concept of “savings” in the economy to sustainable development assessment on indicators of adjusted net savings // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№04. -С. 31-34
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