Polyakov Andrey Vladimirovich (State University named after Zhubanov, Aktobe)
The presented scientific work is devoted to the problems
and prospects of development of the pharmaceutical industry of
the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author considers the features of the
legislative framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulating the
industry under study, explores the laws and their direct impact on the
pharmaceutical industry. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the
export and import of pharmaceutical products and the geographical
distribution of this industry.
Keywords:hydrocarbon market, state support, digitalization, law,
presidential message, normative act, criminal code, labeling, strategy,
standard, export, import
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Citation link: Polyakov A. V. Economic development of the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the example of Aktobe region // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№01. -С. 55-61 |