Izvarina Yulia Yurievna (Senior lecturer, Saratov state law Academy)
the article examines the main main risks of the social sphere, which are enshrined in international acts, and are reflected in the provisions of the law of the Russian Federation on ensuring social direction.it is noted that the range of individuals who are subject to social protection from the country in the event of social risks is broader than provided for in international law. The role of the ILO Convention No. 102 "on minimum standards of social security" in establishing universal coverage and favorable conditions for granting the right to social protection in a broad sense is shown. Attention is drawn to the need to create "minimum standards" for the level of social protection at the legislative level, taking into account the requirements of international social security law, which will be a preventive strategy designed to reduce the risk of social instability in the future.
Keywords:poverty, social protection and security, labor market.
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Citation link: Izvarina Y. Y. The importance of international social security standards in addressing the issue of poverty // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№04. -С. 170-172 DOI 10.37882/2223–2974.2020.04.17 |