Melnichuk Marina Vladimirovna (Doctor of Science (Economics), professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
A cognitive map of human capital development competencies in high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy is proposed, which is a formalized relationship between variables and allows one to assess the predictors that most strongly influence each other.
In order to build a cognitive map, a survey of experts was conducted, which made it possible to establish the most stable relationship between the studied competencies. Determination of the relationship between competencies was based on the assessment of their intensity, determined according to the scale developed by the author for assessing the degree of mutual influence of the analyzed variables. A matrix of mutual influence of the studied variables has been developed and the degree of their interaction has been determined.
Keywords:human capital; cognitive map; competence; cognitive modeling.
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Citation link: Melnichuk M. V. Cognitive maps of competencies for the development of human capital in high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№08. -С. 78-84 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.08.20 |