Lipatov Andrey (Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, State University of management)
The economic development of a country largely depends on the level of development of its territory by transport and the formation of an effective logistics system that connects neighboring States. This task is relevant for the entire world space, which is proved by the development of international transport corridors. This article discusses their concept and shows the role of logistics channels in their functioning. Among the results of the study, it is worth noting that logistics channels connect different countries, while increasing the degree of international cooperation. It is also determined that international transport corridors are the guarantors of security and successful development of the state. In General, the MTK is a complex transport system laid along the most important direction of traffic. It is revealed that it is the logistics channels of the MTK that suggest combining different types of transport in this system — automobile, railway, sea, and pipeline. An important role in ensuring the effective functioning of international transport corridors is played by logistics channels for the delivery of goods, which are components of this complex system and allow you to build the most profitable logistics chains of transport movement on the territory of the MTK. The article presents the possibilities of using logistics channels for the delivery of goods as part of international transport corridors.
Keywords:logistics, international transport corridors, transportation, transportation, provision
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Citation link: Lipatov A. Opportunities to use logistics channels for delivery of goods as part of international transport corridors // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№01. -С. 40-44 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.01.15 |