Kharitonov D. V. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, JSC ONPP Tekhnologiya named after A.G. Romashin, Obninsk)
The results of the author's study of assessing the total level of innovative potential of the science-intensive industry are presented. Based on a comparative dynamic analysis, the factors of its growth and decline have been identified. The effectiveness of using the innovative potential of science-intensive industries is determined in the form of an assessment of its contribution to the formation of gross value added in the domestic economy. The approach proposed in the article to assess the innovative potential of knowledge-intensive industries can be further improved by adding new indicators of innovative activity and extended to other sectors of the economy and individual enterprises, as well as management systems at different levels of management.
Keywords:innovations, innovative potential, high technology production, industry, innovative activity, cooperation.
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Citation link: Kharitonov D. V. Assessment of the innovative potential of science-intensive industries in the Russian industry // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2022. -№05. -С. 105-107 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2022.05.37 |