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Anatole Rapoport’s latest book as a moral testament to posterity

Ruban L. S.  (Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Professor, Head of the Research Department of the International Cooperation Issues, Institute of the Institute Socio-Political Researches of FSRSC RAS. Russia)

The article focuses and focuses on the moral and ethical side of relations between countries, social actors and individuals, including scientists in the context of the sociology of conflict and ethics, based on what should and what takes place in the present reality. The author has undertaken this research based on a systematic approach and in-depth analysis of the latest book by Anatolе Rapoport "Three conversations with Russians. About truth, love, struggle and peace" (2003), which became the moral and ethical testament of the great scientist to his descendants, moreover, if Rapoport preferred game modeling of the process when developing the sociology of conflict, then when analyzing ethical and moral issues, the scientist actively used the Sorbonne method of in-depth work with the text, and the author of the article additionally used content analysis of scientific works of researchers with views close to the position of A. Rapoport.

Keywords:Rapoport A.B., morality and ethics of intercountry, interpersonal and intrasocial relations, humanism, overcoming violence.


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Citation link:
Ruban L. S. Anatole Rapoport’s latest book as a moral testament to posterity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2023. -№01. -С. 176-182 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2023.01.26
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