The purpose of this study is to determine the factor of development of the organization's intellectual capital from the standpoint of social psychology.
Due to the fact that human capital develops in the conditions of creative satisfaction, self-actualisation, self-accomplishment and self-fulfilment of the employees as well as in their communication in the process of interaction in a certain structural and functional environment, conducive to the development of new concepts, technologies, intellectual property and improvement of relations with all stakeholders of the organisation, the authors analyse the personal characteristics of the organisation employees, in particular the emotional and cognitive competencies that form the ability to consciously evaluate and prioritise their goals, strengths and weaknesses, to effectively achieve professional growth by reflecting and regulating their thoughts and feelings in the process of professional interaction. The author concludes that emotional intelligence, as a socio-psychological phenomenon, requires the attention of the leaders of the organization and further study, since the emotional competencies of employees are a factor in the development of their creative, leadership and innovation initiatives, increasing the effectiveness of organizational culture.
Keywords:emotional intelligence, emotional competences, intellectual capital, structural capital, human capital, information-oriented society