Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Belmach Natalya Victorovna  (Candidate of agricultural sciences, Аssistant Professor, Blagowechensk, FSBEI HE Far Eastern State Agrarian University )

Kuz'mich Natalia Pavlovna  (Сandidate of economic sciences, Аssistant Professor, Blagowechensk, FSBEI HE Far Eastern State Agrarian University )

The importance of land as a factor of production and, in general, its enormous importance in any sphere of human activity, explain the special importance of land disputes among court proceedings. The article is devoted to the study of land disputes that arise when the subjective right of the owner is violated. The purpose of the article is to analyze the land dispute and the role of land management expertise related to the registry error in the information about the location of the boundaries of the land plot. This topic is quite relevant, because it is necessary that the EGRN has reliable and accurate information, since they are the basis for planning the effective use of land plots. The article discusses the questions that the examination should answer when resolving disputes about the boundaries of land plots. The main research methods used to write this work are methods of observation, a systematic approach.

Keywords:state cadastral registration, land legislation, land disputes, land plots, land management expertise, cadastral engineer, land border crossings


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Citation link:
Belmach N. V., Kuz'mich N. P. LAND MANAGEMENT EXPERTISE IN THE RESOLUTION OF LAND DISPUTES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2023. -№06. -С. 6-8 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2023.06.21
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