Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Apayeva Fatima   (lawyer Postgraduate student, North Ossetian State University named after. K.L. Khetagurov )

Khatsyrty Soslan Allanovich  (Investigator of the SU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Vladikavkaz RSO-Alania Postgraduate student, North Ossetian State University named after. K.L. Khetagurov )

Khabaeva Fatima Olegovna  (lawyer Postgraduate student, North Ossetian State University named after. K.L. Khetagurov )

the main role of crime prevention is to preserve the security of society, the state and the individual from criminal encroachments. Crime prevention is a set of preventive measures that have an impact on all aspects that affect the emergence and development of this negative phenomenon. The aim of the work is to study and analyze the legal foundations of crime prevention as a separate category in criminology. The goal is solved through the following tasks: – study of the concept, legislation and other theoretical and legal forms of this issue; - analysis of the theory and legal foundations; – summing up the work done. Legislation, regulatory legal acts and special literature on crime prevention in criminology are considered as the subject of the study. The object of research is included in the mandatory causal relationships of phenomena and processes, as well as all determinative complexes of crime prevention in criminology as studied scientific relationships.

Keywords:crime prevention, criminological prevention, legal foundations of crime prevention.


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Citation link:
Apayeva F. , Khatsyrty S. A., Khabaeva F. O. THE ROLE OF RUSSIA IN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CRIME // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№03. -С. 102-105 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.03.02
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