Beglova Gulnara Zinurovna (Deputy Managing Partner
Yalilov & Partners Law Firm LLC
The article substantiates the thesis that, being a kind of reverse side of the advantages, limitations and vulnerabilities of the notary's human rights function are equally due to the dual, public-law nature of notary activity, which by definition requires a reasonable balance, which is much easier to explain theoretically than to achieve in practice. The analysis of possible limitations and vulnerabilities of the notary's human rights function carried out in the scientific article allowed the author to conclude that, in general, they are also the result of a significant defect that reduces the functionality of the notary, namely, a defect in control and supervision in the field of notarial activity. In turn, the imperfection of control and supervision currently prevents the establishment of a full-fledged preventive justice system based on the Russian notary.
Keywords:notary, human rights function; legal impact; civil turnover, real estate transactions.
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Citation link: Beglova G. Z. ON THE ISSUE OF THE VULNERABILIT OF THE NOTARY'S HUMAN RIGHTS FUNCTION IN THE COLLECTION OF NOTARY FEES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№09. -С. 128-132 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.09.03 |