Leshchev Maxim Alexandrovich (postgraduate student
All-Russian State University of Justice
The article examines the foreign experience of law enforcement agencies in conducting special operational search activities using artificial intelligence and big data. It is noted that AI in the ORD and SORM opens up wide opportunities to improve the efficiency of law enforcement agencies, not only in the field of crime prevention, but also in the processing of big data, since it allows you to automate many routine tasks that previously required significant time from law enforcement officers. The author's final conclusion is that at the present stage, in the context of global digitalization in foreign countries, there is a tendency in the implementation of SORM to use AI for processing big data in order to predict and detect crimes. At the same time, the algorithms embedded in AI systems are based on information existing in police databases, as well as social networks and incoming information in real time, which are becoming increasingly widespread in public places and in video surveillance systems, can be used to identify persons in a crowd, to search for criminals or missing people.
Keywords:digitalization, operational investigative activities, special operational investigative measures, artificial intelligence, big data, information data.
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Citation link: Leshchev M. A. FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN OPERATIONAL INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL DIGITALIZATION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№10. -С. 118-122 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.10.19 |