Ryabukha A. (Nizhnevartovsk State University)
Storchak T. (Nizhnevartovsk State University)
Today oil contamination is the one of main problem of the Middle Ob Area for specialists in the field of environmental management. The research provides quantitative assessment of the objects and processes under study. Primary field investigations were carried out on the experimental sites with various differentiation of oil spills. The soils are characterized by a low content of heavy metals, the content of petroleum products in the soils corresponds to permissible contamination. The presented data indicate the ambiguity of the chemical composition of the contaminated and reclaimed soils. Such results require further research.
Keywords:Middle Ob Area, soil contamination, oil contamination, reclamation.
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Citation link: Ryabukha A. , Storchak T. Soil contamination assessment on oil spill sites of the Samotlor oil field // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№07. -С. 18-24 |