Kallaev Najmudin O. (FGBOU VO "Dagestan State Medical University" MH RF. (Makhachkala))
Kallaev Tamerlan N. (FGBOU VO "Ulyanovsk State Medical University" MH RF. (Ulyanovsk))
Ataev Alevdin R. (FGBOU VO "Dagestan State Medical University" MH RF. (Makhachkala))
Ataev Eldar A. (FGBOU V "Russian National Medical Research University. NI Pirogov)
Us 138 treated patients with intraarticular fractures of the tibial plateaubone external fixation apparatus with dynamic compression device. The proposed treatment method of osteosynthesis allowed to accelerating functional rehabilitation of patients and improve treatment outcomes. Coode anatomical end functional results amounted to 87,4%, satisfactory in 8% andunsatisfactory - 4,6%.
Keywords:words osteosynthesis, patients, external fixation apparatus
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Citation link: Kallaev N. O., Kallaev T. N., Ataev A. R., Ataev E. A. Treatment intraarticular fractures of tibial condyle bone external fixation apparatus // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№12. -С. 127-131 |