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Development of the process control system of pressure pressure in the hydro drive

Tran Van Hieu  (Post-graduate student of the Vladimir State University, Vladimir city)

Castings obtained in the process of injection molding are widely used in machine building, automotive, etc. In the process of injection molding, the task of controlling the dynamics of the hydraulic drive is actually. Currently, the hydraulic control system uses spools, droceli, which operate on the basis of a change in the flow section of the spool by manual or mechanical action on the spool stem. This leads to a pressure error in the hydraulic cylinder. In this case, there is a need to provide a static and dynamic accuracy of superimposing the pressure in the hydraulic drive. Other words, develop an automatic control system that provides the required pressure value. For the design of this system, it is necessary to develop mathematical models that adequately describe the transient processes that occur during the operation of the hydraulic drive. The nature of the transient is determined by the control system with a PID controller. The simulation model of the feedback control system is developed in the MatLAB & Simulink software environment and it is possible to assess the nature of the control system transient process. The synthesized parameters of the control system model provide the given indicators of the quality of the transient process. The control time is 0.062 s. Transition occurs without overshooting. Simulation of dynamic processes allowed to set the minimum value of the PID-controller response time.

Keywords:PID controller, stepper motor, pressure regulator, mathematical model, transfer function, hydraulic drive.


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Citation link:
Tran V. H. Development of the process control system of pressure pressure in the hydro drive // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№07. -С. 143-146
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