Makarov Andrey Sergeevich (Graduate student, SFU)
Svoboda Ivan Vladimirovich (Graduate student, SFU)
Bondareva Lydia Georgievna (Graduate student, SFU)
Oil is product of transformation of organic matter in sedimentary rocks, and as a result of action of various natural processes it can be taken out on the land surface, get to water objects. Besides, many hydrocarbons which are contained in oil in large numbers are produced by live organisms. Therefore their presence in the environment is natural. However today, in the conditions of vigorous economic activity of the person, often it is necessary to face the levels of maintenance of oil components which are repeatedly exceeding background level.
Huge scales of production, transportation and oil refining for the last decades have caused wide circulation of oil pollution. In many areas of the Globe oil pollution has gained chronic character and has reached scales at which natural circulation of substance and energy is broken, the ecological equilibrium is undermined, huge damage is caused to natural ecosystems.
Keywords:Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, the environment objects, bioremediation absorbing properties
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Citation link: Makarov A. S., Svoboda I. V., Bondareva L. G. Study absorbing properties of higher aquatic plants duckweed (lemna minor), and also revealed the possibility of using aquatic plants as a sorbent of petroleum products for the bioremediation of the aquatic environment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№04. -С. 11-16 |