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Bases of a modern approach to the treatment of patients with disseminated purulent peritonitis

Karsanov Alan Mukharbekovich  (candidate of Medical Sciences, docent, North Ossetian State Medical Academy (Vladikavkaz))

Kultciev Akhsarbek Agubeevich  (doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, North Ossetian State Medical Academy (Vladikavkaz). )

Berseneva Evgeniya Alexandrovna  (doctor of Medical Sciences, National Research Institute for public health (Moscow))

Perisaeva Elina Akimovna  (laborant, North Ossetian State Medical Academy (Vladikavkaz).)

Morozov Aleksey Anatolyevich  (candidate of Medical Sciences, docent, North Ossetian State Medical Academy (Vladikavkaz))

The article, on the basis of modern arguments, substantiates a strategic approach to the treatment of patients with common purulent peritonitis and abdominal sepsis (AS). As criteria for the differentiation of local and systemic intra-abdominal infection, a combination of confirmed organ dysfunction and intestinal insufficiency syndrome (ISS) is considered. The most important condition for the successful treatment of AS is the need to ascertain and promptly stop ISS.

Keywords:purulent peritonitis, abdominal sepsis, intestinal failure.


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Citation link:
Karsanov A. M., Kultciev A. A., Berseneva E. A., Perisaeva E. A., Morozov A. A. Bases of a modern approach to the treatment of patients with disseminated purulent peritonitis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№06. -С. 163-168
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