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Vorontsova N., Sennikova Zh. — Additional methods that improve IVF results

Belikova Lyubov Vadimovna  (Orenburg state medical University)

Gorokhov Evgeny Aleksandrovich  (Orenburg state medical University)

Konstantinova Olga Dmitrievna  (Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Orenburg state medical University)

Vorontsova Natalia Alexandrovna  (Assistant, Orenburg state medical University)

Sennikova Zhanna Vladimirovna  (Candidate of medical Sciences, assistant, Orenburg state medical University)

Despite the fact that in vitro fertilization is a fairly effective reproductive technology used in infertility, in some cases there is an objective need to use additional methods that improve the results of the procedure. The article provides a brief analysis of such methods, as well as justifies the need for the use of a method depending on the overall clinical picture. The overall effectiveness of the application of additional methods is estimated, including on the basis of a brief analysis of statistical data.

Keywords:diagnosis, embryo, pregnancy, shiny shell, implantation, method, endometrium


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Citation link:
Belikova L. V., Gorokhov E. A., Konstantinova O. D., Vorontsova N. A., Sennikova Z. V. Vorontsova N., Sennikova Zh. — Additional methods that improve IVF results // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№12. -С. 120-123
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