Alexandrova E. Yu. (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Murmansk Arctic State University (Murmansk))
Voronov A. A. (Lead expert, Baltic-Arctic Interregional Department of the Federal Service of the Natural Resources Supervision)
The estimation of a condition of Siberian spruce located around the industrial enterprise "Severonikel" is given on the basis of phytoindication methods in the article. Morphometric indices of Siberian spruce fir needles are studied. The anthropogenic degradation initial stage of spruce plantations in the zone of Monchegorsk industry influence is revealed. It is shown that the chronic pollution of forest communities has a detrimental effect on the growth, development and condition of trees. The data obtained as part of study allow us to identify the negative trends associated with the systematic atmospheric air pollution on the territory of Murmansk region. Captured data suggests the ways of the air quality monitoring system improvements at the regional level.
Keywords:technogenic pollution, phytoindication, Siberian spruce, damage degree of fir needles drying, morphometric characteristics.
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Citation link: Alexandrova E. Y., Voronov A. A. Morphometric characteristics of siberian spruce (picea obovata) needles in the districts of industrial complex «Severonikel» impact // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№05. -С. 7-12 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2020.05.01 |