Davidenko Alexey Nikolaevich (Candidate of technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Armavir state pedagogical University)
Davidenko Pavel Nikolaevich (Candidate of technical Sciences, OSIsoft )
Karlov Dmitry Nikolaevich (Candidate of technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban state technological University)
Zuyeva Victoria Nikolaevna (Candidate of technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban state technological University)
Andrusenko Evgenij Jur'evich (Candidate of psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Armavir state pedagogical University)
The development of the combined railway scales control system for weighing cars (tanks) in static and motion by using virtual devices in the control loop allows the solution of the problem to be put on a new level.
Using modern computers in the control loop of software-synthesized measuring systems, determining and calculating the exact characteristics of the weight will allow you to bring to a new level of quality when weighing petrochemical products in cars (tanks) during the movement of cars, which is a very urgent task.
Weighing tanks with different loads (oil, fuel oil, etc.) is the most difficult task, since there is a change in the center of gravity and redistribution of the mass of the product during movement, i.e. the carts (tanks) are loaded at different times of movement at different load values, which must be taken into account. In addition to this problem, there is the problem of implementing filtering of the useful signal for a time commensurate with the period of interference that occurs when the car (tank) is moving.
Keywords:combined railway carriage scales, cargo receiving device, analog filter, digital filter, strain gauge, virtual control system, active filters on switchable capacitors, weight function.
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Citation link: Davidenko A. N., Davidenko P. N., Karlov D. N., Zuyeva V. N., Andrusenko E. J. Virtual control system for combined rail car weights // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№06. -С. 67-73 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2020.06.08 |